Empowering Women in India

India has made great strides in education, with nearly an equal number of girls and boys enrolled in primary schooling. But a high drop-out rate still persists: around a third of all children drop out of school by the age of 10.  More than half of Indian girls are married by the time they are 18.

Women play a significant role in India’s informal economy, without which the formal economy could not even function. In March 2012 Credit Suisse organized a symposium in Mumbai to discuss the position of Indian women in the workforce and how to increase their voice.  The participants debated how more Indian women could reap the benefits of the country’s economic growth. Eleven well-known Indian women from the arts, business and the public sector also described their own career journeys and the lessons they have learned.

Credit Suisse asked me to write an article about this event.

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